You ready to Play On this summer! Join us on July 29 for our NIKE Basketball camp. Register at https://www.ussportscamps.com/...
Help us purchase a Bus!
Here is our sponsorship packet that you can review and send to anyone who would like to help our Stars family! We are a 501(c)3!...

2023 Basketball Tryouts for Royal Palm Beach Stars
Can you believe it! 2023 is here! Welcome to Royal Palm Beach Stars 2023 basketball tryouts on February 3 starting at 5:30 PM. You must...
Tax-Deductible gift
Royal Palm Beach Stars Family, There's still time to make your tax-deductible gift, and show your excitement for the upcoming season with...

Elite Basketball Camp & Coaches Clinic
Press Release: On Tuesday January 3rd, 2023, starting at 1:00 PM, Royal Palm Beach Stars, Inc will conduct an Elite Basketball Camp and...

Final season wrap up
As of August 31, 2022 our season will come to a close. We still have 1 tournament on the books to complete which is the End of Summer...

13 and Under, come on out and display your skills for a chance to win an all expense trip to NYC!! Sign up at...
2022 Parent Meeting
On Friday March 11, we have a Parent meeting. We will discuss what tournaments we will be attending, our communications app, code and...